How to Play

Initiate the Game:
  • As the leader, take charge by clicking the "Create a Game" button.

  • Invite your friends to join the fun by clicking "Join the Game" and ​having them scan the provided QR code or enter a manual code.

Play Details:

Each participant, including the leader, fills out the following essential details:

  • Your Real Name: Introduce yourself with your actual name.

  • Character Description: Provide a quick overview of the character you wish to portray.

  • Leaders have the privilege of filling out additional details, including the "Big Concept" field.

If any fields are left blank, the AI will step in and generate random ideas to keep the creativity flowing.

Let the Play Begin!
  • Once all players have submitted their play details, the adventure begins!

  • Watch as the AI assigns roles and weaves everyone's input into a captivating storyline.

  • The poster and credit page are generated, revealing your character and role.

Immersive Interaction:
  • As your name appears on the screen (marked in yellow), it's your cue to shine and deliver your lines!

  • Act out hilarious scenes with your friends, bringing the story to life with your unique characters and personalities.

  • Create unforgettable memories as PlayRole transforms every gathering into an interactive stage

With PlayRole, the stage is yours to craft memorable experiences and unleash your inner actor. Get ready to laugh, improvise, and bond with friends in a world of endless possibilities. Let the show begin!